Bernd Winterschladen

…plays the tenor, baritone and alto saxophone as well as bass clarinet. He manages to combine traditionalism and freestyle in a manner that makes him a very sought after musician. As a result he plays in numerous groups, such as the Cologne legends “The Piano Has Been Drinking”, as well as a with the pianist Frank Mendel, and with Gerd Köster and “Trance Groove”. In addition, he has contributed to numerous record, theatre and television productions.

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Kulturtage Buchholz-Oberscheid, Taftahü

Gute Laune unter´m Quittenbaum

Essen, Katakombentheater im Girardet-Haus, Girardet Str. 8

musikalisches Treffen mit dem Pianisten Marc Brenken

bei "Jazz for the People"

Köln, 16h00 Lido am Kalscheurer Weiher, Grüngürtel am Eifeltor

Aachen, Klangbrücke